9-1-1 Recap 03/20/23: Season 6 Episode 12 Recovery

9-1-1 Recap 03/20/23: Season 6 Episode 12 "Recovery"

Tonight on FOX their #1 drama 9-1-1 airs with an all-new Monday, March 23, 2023, season 6 episode 12, “Recovery” and we have your 9-1-1 recap below. In tonight’s 9-1-1 season 6 episode 12 as per the FOX synopsis, “Despite the case being closed, Bobby is determined to prove his AA sponsor was murdered and bring his killer to justice; Meanwhile Buck struggles with his post-traumatic stress.”

Make sure to bookmark this spot and come back from 8 PM – 9 PM ET for our 9-1-1 recap. While you wait for our recap check out all our television news, spoilers, recaps & more, right here!

Tonight’s 9-1-1 recap begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

In tonight’s 9-1-1 episode, Bobby almost fell off the wagon back in 2018. He tried to go clean as well as stay clean on his own. He hadn’t wanted to ask for help back then because he saw it as a weakness and unfortunately it led to him falling off the wagon. He only got back on thanks to his friends. They were struggling after a rough call.

They were concerned when Bobby did show for work. Hen and Buck had forced their way into his apartment. They threw him in the shower. They got him cleaned up and they just stayed there silently supporting him until finally he was ready to ask for help. Bobby’s friends had saved his life. They got back into recovery. They pushed him into attending AA meetings again. And he eventually met Wendall.

Wendall instantly put Bobby at ease. He reminded Bobby that everyone needs a community to handle addiction. Bobby knew he had to have a sponsor and he later chose Wendall because to him it had looked like Wendall had it all together. Wendall was clean for a lot longer than Bobby was. Wendall made peace with losing his own family. He even thought helping addicts was his calling. But then Wendall died. Wendall from an apparent overdose in some abandoned field. It just didn’t sound like something he would do and so that’s when Bobby started to investigate.

Bobby looked into Wendall’s death. He believed Wendall went to a rehab center. He probably needed help and was trying to ask for it only for something to go wrong there. Bobby found this rehab center. It’s called “Winding Path”. It was sorta known as a drug hotspot. The center allows addicts to use drugs there as a bid of slowly weaning them off what’s killing them.

Only this often led to overdoses as well as outright mysterious deaths. The center hasn’t been charged so far in any of these deaths however Bobby did think they were culpable and he did think something went wrong with Wendall.

Wendall didn’t die at the center. He was moved elsewhere. Wendall also hadn’t talked to anyone about struggling lately. He actually made excuses for why he would be out of town and so him dying like that doesn’t make sense. If Wendall couldn’t go to his own sponsor or what little family he had left then how does he go to a posh rehab center where its openly known they could use drugs?

It just didn’t make sense if he was already using or if he was serious about needing help. Bobby had several questions that Wendall wasn’t alive to answer. He tried talking to Winding Path. They wouldn’t tell him anything and so he looked into who else was connected to both the center and Wendall.

Bobby found Tamara that way. Tamara was struggling with addiction. She knew Wendall. She even liked Wendall and Wendall became concerned for her after she got mixed up in Winding Path’s business. Bobby was wrong when he assumed Wendall went to the center for himself. He didn’t go for himself. He went for Tamara’s sake.

He most likely saw what the center was doing to Tamara and he tried to help. Wendall went wrong when he tried to take them down on his own. And he forgot the first rule for addicts which was that everyone needs help.

Wendall went to Winding Path. He hid a camera in their building. He tried to get evidence to take them down and they got spooked. They must have given Wendall a hotshot. They killed him and then they took him to that field where they started a fire. They knew the fire would erase all evidence of wrongdoing. They failed to realize that Wendall’s friend would be the one to douse that fire. Bobby answered that call and he saw that scene for himself. He even saw the owners of Winding Path there at the scene. They came by to make sure that no one suspected a thing.

They had been stupid. They didn’t know that the firefighter that responded to the scene was Wendall’s friend or that he wouldn’t believe their story. They figured Wendall was an addict. Everyone wouldn’t believe an addict was killed. They had been wrong and Bobby’s was trying to prove it when Tamara calls him one night. She calls to tell him that Wendall died at Winding Path. He was moved elsewhere after death. She was admitting to it because she had taken drugs herself and she thought she was going to die.

Bobby saw that she was calling from Winding Path. He rushed over there where the owners tried to keep him out. He ignored them. He pushed his way inside and he went looking for Tamara. He found her in the office where she had taken drugs. He tried to get Tamara to admit where the camara was, but she was too out of it to give any concrete answers. Then someone stared a fire. Bobby picked up Tamara and he got her out of the building. He didn’t have time to look for a camera.

He had to save both of their lives. And because he didn’t have the camera with him, the owners of Winding Path were able to craft their own story. They claimed that Bobby was a stalker who sent fire to the building. They even planted things in his truck that proved what they were saying and so it was the perfect crime.

Up until Athena became involved. Athena helped the police find the camera. It hadn’t burnt up in the building because it was hidden in a wall socket. And the camera proved that the owners gave Tamara the drugs right before they had her call Bobby to lure him to the building.

They then set the fire themselves in a bid to scam the insurance company before they disappeared. This was apparently their MO because they sent fire to other fraudulent rehabs the moment police started to sniff around. And they changed their name after each fire. The camera proves that Wendall only shot himself up because he was trying to save Tamara. Tamara eventually admitted to everything that happened after she woke up at the hospital and this time she wants to get clean for real.

Tamara was willing to testify against the owners. The owners, who were a married couple, had turned on each other. They both tried to claim it was the other’s idea and how they were against it. They’ll both be a delight to convict. And Bobby celebrated Wendall’s vindication by taking over for him at the AA meetings.

And Buck realized that he might not be emotionally ready to return to work after his near death.

