Khloe Kardashian: Donald Trumps comments are simplistic, cruel & superficial


Here are some photos of Khloe Kardashian at LAX a few days ago. I haven’t covered Khloe in a while – it’s a combination of factors, like Kim, Kendall and Kylie getting more attention, plus I think Khloe has been relatively low-key for several months. She’s currently dating Cleveland Cavalier Tristan Thompson and there are “rumors” that she’s already pregnant. I doubt it, but who knows? As we did discuss over the weekend, Khloe was namechecked in some of the horror stories coming out of the coverage of how awful Donald Trump behaved during The Apprentice. Allegedly, Trump referred to Khloe as “a fat piglet” and more. As Khloe was discussing her new line of denim (more on that in a moment) she talked about Trump:

“I didn’t think he was saying those things about me. But he says those comments about a lot of women—really derogatory things. Someone who is that simplistic to judge things off of surface is not someone I want running my country. It’s not cool or appropriate for any person, male or female, to judge someone else by their looks. I find it really cruel. It’s wild. I’m a tough cookie, so something that he said—that’s not gonna bother me. Ninety percent of the time, [criticism] doesn’t bother me. I’m not sure why. I think I’m just in my own world. But I believe that’s why [those incidents] happen to me, because I can take it. If that’s what it takes to get even just this little group of people to realize how shady and bad and negative that one person is, I can take it.”

[From E! News]

Khloe also told Extra that if Trump did say that about her, she finds his comments “really immature and cruel.” Personally, I wish she had simply made this about Trump rather than her reaction to it, or how she’s a tough cookie or whatever. Just say “that’s not acceptable, that says a lot about him, doesn’t it?” and move on.

Anyway, Khloe has a new denim line called Good American (terrible name) and she’s riding the wave of making clothing for women above size-12. Or as Khloe called them, “real women.”

Denim for any size: “I think the selling point for me was having a really wide range of sizes and not trying to segregate people into shopping the plus-size. I really want to break down those barriers and have a denim line for real women. When I used to shop for premium denim at high-end boutiques, they would go up to a size eight or ten. I was I’d say a size 12 at the time and I would get so embarrassed going with my sisters. I want to be able to have denim because even if you’re a little bigger, you still want to be trendy and cute and show off your curves.”

The perfect 30-minute workout: “Because you can travel with a jump rope, jump roping. You think it sounds easy but my trainer told me try to do 800 jumps in like 5 minutes and I had to work my way up there. You think it’s so easy but it’s f–king hard. It’s ridiculous, but it’s the best workout and probably the shortest workout you can do and it’s full body. It’s everything, but it’s exhausting.”

Her boyfriend: “I’m having a great time in Ohio. I really like it. It’s mellow and nice. We should do an appearance at a Nordstrom out there.”

[From E! News]

My only problem is with the “real woman” thing. I understand that this is a shorthand, especially for women who are larger than a size 6, and it’s a shorthand for women trying to sell products to women larger than a size 6. Real women are any and every size, and it would just be better to say “I wanted to have a denim line for EVERY woman, especially those women who are constantly shunned by high-end designers.” Because that’s the truth.


Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet.
