Tracy Moore in Bathing Suit is "Ready for Vacation" Celebwell

CityLine personality, Tracy Moore, is currently on vacation in the Riviera Maya. She just shared a new highlight video on Instagram. In it, Moore enjoyed time at the beach, went swimming, and posed in different colored bathing suits. She captioned the post, "I didn't get my body ready for vacation. Because my body is always ready for vacation." How does she stay so fit? Read on to see 5 ways Tracy Moore stays in shape and the photos that prove they work—and to get beach-ready yourself, don't miss these essential 30 Best-Ever Celebrity Bathing Suit Photos!

Moore is all about self-confidence. She talked about this in the caption of her recent Instagram video. Moore writes, "I didn't find figure flattering bikinis. Because my figure is always flattering. I didn't hesitate to put on a bikini and flail in the waves. Because any hesitation would cut into my joy. Your body is ready. Your suit is perfect. Go put it on and have FUN."

Moore works on TV, and things sometimes go wrong. However, she doesn't let herself get embarrassed by what happens. She talked about this in the caption of this Instagram video. "I rarely get embarrassed anymore. I don't feel mortified often, because I'm human, and confident, and prone to mistakes or extra cake, or tripping on a sidewalk or whatever. This is life. Things won't fit. I will trip. I will say the wrong thing and get a burst of panic sweat…But I'll recover and move on because humility and confidence is a wild combo. If you make the choice to not feel stupid…But lean into feeling human instead…All the little embarrassing things just become part of a colourful life. So you're not stupid. You're human."

Moore makes sure to go to the gym. And she enjoys doing so. Moore posted this workout video on Instagram. She captioned the post, "I move at 120 pounds. I move at 210 pounds. I move at every weight in between. I enjoy my body. I enjoy a body in movement. I enjoy the endorphin kick."

One thing Moore enjoys doing is going on walks, especially when it's warm out. She shared this video of herself going on a walk with her dog in the park on Instagram. Moore captioned the post, "Summer is sweet because a good time is as simple as throwing on flip flops and walking to the park. Seeing the city gathered on the side of a hill to witness nature at its best? I'm here for it."

Moore has a busy schedule, but she still makes sure to make time for herself. She shared one of her tips in this Instagram video. "Wanna know how to make an 8am kid's activity meditative? Drop them off. Fill up their water bottle. Kiss them. And if you have one…Go to your car. Snacks, music, books and solitude await. Hanging out alone in the car is absolutely self care. Moms have been doing this forever…But now social media has named it: Parking Lot Self Care."
