Crackheads are clever: Lindsay Lohans ingenious Parisian jewel heist

Yesterday, I noted several things about Lindsay Lohan’s three-week Paris jaunt. First, I think she would only be able to stay in Paris for three solid weeks if she found a really good dealer. Two, Paris does not agree with her, because she looks even more strung out there. Third, how in God’s name can Lindsay afford to go shopping day after day in Paris? Well, I’ve gotten an answer to my last question – and it’s a doozy. It seems our fair Lohan is up to the same old shenanigans as usual. Those shenanigans? Jewelry heists, Blohan-style.

The story is so ridiculously stupid/brilliant, it’s rather epic. Here’s what happened: Lindsay stopped by the showroom of Arielle de Pinto and “borrowed” some jewelry for a “magazine shoot”. To their credit, the people working in the showroom made sure to take an imprint of Lindsay’s credit card. Bippitey-bopity, Lindsay never returned the jewelry and she cancelled the credit card. Heist complete!

During Paris Fashion Week, we reported that Lindsay Lohan, the day before her so-called work at Ungaro was to debut, spent her time shopping at Dior and Yves Saint Laurent, and even presented the bill to Ungaro.

Then, after a hard day of retail therapy, she commenced with a wild night and had to cancel an interview with Suzy Menkes.

Now it seems that tarnishing the legacy of an haute fashion house wasn’t enough for the half-baked party girl. Three days ago, before leaving the City of Light and Ungaro in a hot mess of bad reviews, Lindsay dropped in on the Paris showroom of New York/Montreal-based accessories label Arielle de Pinto.

Ever-presumptuous, Lindsay wanted to “borrow” several one-of-a-kind samples for an unspecified party and shoot. Arielle’s team made an imprint of her black credit card—just in case. Sure enough, Lindsay just left Paris with the pieces. Can you guess the rest? When the showroom tried to charge the credit card, they were notified the card had been canceled.

[From HintMag]

Stupid/brilliant, right? It’s going to stop working just as soon as every jeweler around the world comes to the conclusion, at long last, to stop allowing Lindsay to “borrow” jewelry. As soon as she leaves your store with any sparkly bauble in her hot little hand, you’re never going to see that sh-t again, and you’re never going to be paid for it either.

Anyway, of course this mess is totally in line will Lindsay’s sticky finger history. There are so many incidents of her thievery, I actually can’t remember all of them. There were the missing $49,000 worth of jewelry she took from an actual magazine shoot. There was Lindsay’s theft of her “friend” Lauren Hastings’ clothes, there was that time she stole the fur coat. And most recently, there was the very fishy, sketchy, it-was-probably-a-Lohan burglary of Lindsay’s rented Los Angeles home, in which some-odd $2 million worth of “borrowed” jewelry was allegedly “stolen”. Ugh. This sh-t is getting old.

In one last piece of news that I think is vaguely related to Lindsay, it looks like Samantha Ronson has furtively moved out of her Los Angeles home while Lindsay was away in Paris. Radar is reporting that Samantha’s home – the site of so many of Lindsay’s cracked-out hissy fits– has been put up for rent for $4,395 a month. Radar points out that Samantha was moving out of her home at the same time Lindsay was moving out of her burgled home, just down the street, but I don’t remember it that way. I really think Samantha is on the run from Lindsay, and it wouldn’t surprise me if Lindsay will find it a lot harder to get in touch with Samantha when she returns to LA.

Lindsay is shown at a party with Mario Testino at Fashion Week in Paris on 10/6/09. Credit: ANG/Fame Pictures
