8 of the best One Direction love songs

One Direction have been sold as heartthrobs from the beginning of their career and there’s no denying that with their good looks, smooth voices, and lyrics about love; they’ve mad a lasting impression on their fans.

We wanted to take a look at 8 of the most romantic, awe-inspiring, heart melting love songs by the now four-piece band we’ve come to know and love.

8. One Thing – Up All Night

“I’ve tried playing it cool but when I’m looking at you I can’t ever be brave ’cause you make my heart race”.  The beginning of this song hooks you immediately and if that lyric isn’t perfect enough to make you swoon – just wait until you hit the chorus.  One Thing is a sweet little glimpse into a new crush – a budding romance – and it makes your heart skip beats!  This is a perfect tune with a sweet sentiment!

7. Happily – Midnight Memories

With lyrics like “You know I wanna be the one who holds you when you sleep” and “I just want it to be you and I forever” this song was an easy choice for our top 8. The upbeat tune and the fun lyrics will make your head bob and you’ll find yourself dancing without even realizing it. The song tells about someone longing for a partner who, by a twist of fate, isn’t theirs in the moment. The message of the song? Leave your lover and be happily with me.

6. Perfect – Made In The A.M  

There was a bit of fuss surrounding this song before it came out; namely about a previous ‘relationship’ between a certain Harry Styles and an ex.  After listening to the song – with that idea put in the heads of many – they saw a correlation. We think otherwise. This song is a view into two different relationships; one being true and ‘perfect’ while the other doesn’t quite fit.  The difference in lyrics from “I may never be your knight in shining armor’ and “I may never be the hands you put your heart in’ to ‘but if you like to do the things you know that we shouldn’t do baby I’m perfect” and “if you like to do whatever you’ve been dreaming about, baby you’re perfect’ shows that if you want the perfect story book romance – maybe this particular love isn’t for you.  If you want the romance that isn’t in the spotlight and isn’t full of demands and needs that can’t be met, then you’re perfect for each other.

5. Little Things – Take Me Home

 “You never to want to know how much you weigh, you still have to squeeze into your jeans and you’re perfect to me”.  Isn’t this what everyone dreams of hearing by the person they love?  This song tells about the little things that you do in a relationship that you think the other might not notice, or the little insecurities within yourself that you worry they pay too much attention to, and it tells you not to worry at all.  That the little things are the ones that mean the most, the ones that make the love unique, special, and worth it.  This song is always been a fan favorite, and it’s easy to see why.  Who doesn’t want a sweet, honest lover that is okay with being quirky?

4. Fireproof – Four 

When we think about a love that stands the test of time, that overcomes everything, we think about it being fireproof.  One Direction captured that emotion in this catchy tune. “Nobody knows you baby the way I do, nobody loves you baby the way I do…it’s been so long, it’s been so long…maybe we’re fireproof.”  This is the kind of love song you sing on anniversaries, the one that brings back a lifetime worth of memories, and if you’re just starting your love – it makes you look forward to the future.

3. 18 – Four

“To be loved and to be in love.”  Isn’t this one of our most basic human desires?  Love is what matters at the end of the day.  Love is what matters any time of any day, really.  Loving and being loved is the greatest give and take set up that exists.  In 18 we get a glimpse into a love that’s been nurtured and taken care of since before it was known that they were experiencing love.  It tells about a love that’s grown from being a bit young and light hearted to one that brings out the best in each partner now.  “All I can do is say that these arms were made for holding you.”  Real love is comfortable, 18 is a song that brings out the best in that.

2. Strong – Midnight Memories

“I’m sorry if I say I need you, but I don’t care I’m not scared of love.  When I’m not with you I’m weaker; is that so wrong?  Is it so wrong that you make me strong?”  Do I even need to explain how beautiful that is?  I hope not because it’s difficult to put into words how absolutely lovely that sentiment is.  Honesty and vulnerability in a relationship are two underrated but important concepts.  It is necessary to let your guard down if you truly want to know someone, to let them see all the sides of you if you truly want love to flourish.  Sometimes it’s okay to say that you’re weak without the person that completes you, and that’s okay.  It’s lovely to find someone who makes you complete, whole, and strong.

1. Something Great – Midnight Memories

Something Great is hands down the most beautiful ode to love that’s been written – quite possibly ever.  Love is important – love is everything – and Something Great really makes it clear how being open and desiring someone can bring out the best in you.  “I want you here with me like how I pictured it.  Is it too much to ask for something great?  You’re all I want so much it’s hurting”.  Again we see honesty and vulnerability but in a bit of a different way.  Something Great is a glimpse into one of the most true and sometimes sad love stories of all – one where you know what your life looks like, and you know who you love, and there’s something standing in the way; be it distance, circumstance, or timing.  Something Great isn’t a song about giving up or letting it go, it’s a song about knowing it’s importance and standing strong in the face of obstacles.

There are of course, other lovely songs by the boys that will make your heart melt – but if you’re looking for the ultimate heart wrenching, love inspiriting tunes – we think we’ve complied the perfect go to list!
