Enquirer: Daniel Radcliffe is boozing hard again, his friends want him in rehab

Daniel Radcliffe

Here are some photos of Daniel Radcliffe at the Whistler film festival (where he was celebrated for his talent) in Whistler, Canada on 11/30. He looks alarmingly good in those skinny jeans, right? I’ve never really been attracted to the guy (or skinny jeans in general unless they’re on Russell Brand’s legs), but Daniel and skinny jeans make a great combination here. He also looks relatively healthy and clean as well.

Behind the scenes, however, Daniel may not be as healthy as he appears according to a new story from this week’s Enquirer, which alleges that he’s boozing hard and got himself thrown out of a NYC nightclub as a result. Earlier this year, Daniel admitted to filming portions of the Harry Potter movies while still drunk from the night before. At the time, he hadn’t had a drink of alcohol since August 2010. So is he off the wagon, and does Daniel actually need rehab? Here’s the story:

Daniel Radcliffe

Daniel Radcliffe has fallen off the wagon — and now friends are urging him to head to rehab before it’s too late! The former hard-partying British hunk had two hard-earned years of sobriety until he began hitting the bottle about a month ago, culminating in a drunken argument with a DJ at a New York City club, say sources.

“In my opinion, Danie’s back where he started,” a concerned pal told the Enquirer, “When he drinks, he gets carried away, and that’s exactly what happened to him in New York.”

According to the source, Daniel was “knocking back Jagerbombs” — shots of the liquor Jagermeister dropped in a glass of Red Bull energy drink — before the dustup that got him kicked out of the club.

“It didn’t take too long for a buzzed Daniel to start dancing around and becoming the life of the party,” the source said. “He’s not a mean drunk, but even happy drunks step over the line — and that’s what he seemed to do.

“Daniel was whooping and hollering and bullied the DJ into playing a Dusty Springfield song. When the DJ told him to chill, Daniel gave him a hard time, and that’s when the management threw him out.”

Daniel, 23, who shot to fame playing boy wizard Harry Potter in the popular film franchise, admitted he had a drinking problem and gave up booze in 2010. “He knows he shouldn’t drink, so this incident was an eye-opening relapse,” said the source. “Daniel is very embarrassed and even considered going back tot he club to apologize.”

While Daniel has vowed not to drink over the holidays, his close friends are urging him to take even more drastic measures. Said the source: “They want him to get into an established booze rehab — and cut out drinking for good.”

[From Enquirer, print edition, December 31, 2012]

Even if this NYC nightclub account is true, it doesn’t really sound like a really bad situation to me. In fact, Daniel would have gotten kicked out of a nightclub for a far lesser offense than Rihanna’s recent escapade where she didn’t get kicked out at all, but that was because she shouted, “Don’t you know who I am?” and then continued to dance on tables unabated. By the way, I’ve never understood why anyone, drunk or sober, would ever dance on a table. That’s just weird to me.

At any rate, it sounds like Daniel realizes he was a bit of a brat about a Dusty Springfield tune, and maybe this will make him sober up for another lengthy spell. He probably doesn’t need rehab — but he does need better taste in music.

Daniel Radcliffe

Daniel Radcliffe

Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet
